LGBTQ Affirming Resources for Parents and Teachers

LGBTQ kids, as well as children whose parents are LGBTQ, need the support of their communities. Too often, they still face discrimination and ignorance from teachers, peers, religious and community leaders, and even their own parents. The good news is that there are many LGBTQ resources for parents and teachers who want to affirm to kids that being who you are is a good thing.

In this post, I’ve compiled a mega list of books (for children and adults), toys and games, helpful glossaries, lesson plans, and much more. Use these LGBTQ affirming resources to encourage empathy and prevent bullying.

Mega list of LGBTQ Resources for Parents and Educators

How can parents and educators show kids that it's ok to be exactly who you are? Click through for a mega list of LGBTQ resources for kids, parents, and teachers. From bullying prevention to children's books to what to say when kids ask answer awkward questions, this list has it all! #pride #weneeddiversebooks

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Children’s books and toys that celebrate LGBTQ kids and families

12 LGBTQ affirming picture books for kids (The Barefoot Mommy). You’ll find books on this list for ages 2 – 10 that feature loving families who also happen to have two moms or two dads, a picture book about a trans child who helps her family understand who she is, and much more.

18 children’s books with nonbinary and transgender characters. This list includes picture books, middle grades graphic novels, and chapter books.

My Family Builders. I got a set of these toys years ago when they were launching on Kickstarter, and they’re so fun! The magnetic blocks can be used to make people and families of all different combinations. A card set is included of family combinations that kids can build, which is a great conversational tool for talking not only about LGBTQ families, but also multiracial families, single parent families, and more.

Playing with Pronouns educational game. Reflection Press, a leader in inclusive children’s books, created this fun game for children ages 4+. There are multiple ways to use the cards so that different age children can play. Use the game to practice gender inclusive pronouns, embrace differences, and challenge stereotypes. (You can also find LGBTQ resources from Reflection Press that help adults understand gender and break down stereotypes here.) 

Grab four of my tried and true lesson plans that teach kids about justice through the arts, music, and dramatic play.

Free activity guide: use arts and drama to teach social justice

Grab the arts-themed lesson plans I used at a children’s Peace Camp to learn about gender stereotypes, the civil rights movement, and more. 

You’ll also get my kids and justice themed resources in your inbox each Tuesday. Don’t like it? No problem. You can unsubscribe in one click. 

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Lesson Plans and classroom tips for preschool and elementary age children

Welcoming Schools. This organization is a project of the Human Rights Campaign, and has a wide variety of lesson plans on topics like family diversity, being an ally, and LGBTQ history.

GLSEN. You can browse the organization’s LGBTQ inclusive lesson plans here (you can refine your search by age level on the right side).  GLSEN also has chapters across the United States that support student Gay Straight Alliances and train teachers. 

Teaching Tolerance. Find a variety of lesson plans that address gender stereotypes, homophobia, and more.

How teachers can answer parents who are concerned about children being taught about gender. This is a helpful LGBTQ resource from Gender Spectrum.

How can parents and educators show kids that it's ok to be exactly who you are? Click through for a mega list of LGBTQ resources for kids, parents, and teachers. From bullying prevention to children's books to how to answer awkward questions from kids, this list has it all! #pride #weneeddiversebooks

Rethinking Sexism, Gender, and Sexuality. This nearly 500 page collection of essays, reports, and guides is written by real teachers based on their classroom experiences.

20 Ways Teachers Can Reduce Gender Bias in the Classroom. This guide from Think or Blue is especially written with preschool classrooms in mind.

Related Post: Mega list of anti-racism resources for parents and educators

Parenting resources that embrace gender diversity

11 Fun Ideas for Teaching Gender Diversity to Toddlers. Bust gender stereotypes and introduce the many ways that people experience gender with these toddler play ideas.

Coloring Sheets and Parent Guides on gender inclusivity from Reflection Press.

So Your Child is Non-Binary. A parenting guide for parents of kids and youth who identify an gender non-binary.

Grab four of my tried and true lesson plans that teach kids about justice through the arts, music, and dramatic play.

Free activity guide: use arts and drama to teach social justice

Grab the arts-themed lesson plans I used at a children’s Peace Camp to learn about gender stereotypes, the civil rights movement, and more. 

You’ll also get my kids and justice themed resources in your inbox each Tuesday. Don’t like it? No problem. You can unsubscribe in one click. 

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Using LGBTQ and gender identity terminology with children

What Does Gay Mean? Guidance from Welcoming Schools about ways to answer this common question from children

LGBTQ Definitions for Children. How to define key terms related to sexual orientation and gender identity for elementary age and preschool children

Know the Difference Poster: This simple graphic clarifies the difference between gender identity, biological sex, and sexual orientation.

What’s gender identity? Music video from on expressing gender through clothing (see below).

Learn Your LGBT’s video series from Queer Kids Stuff. Lindsey and their teddy bear are known on YouTube for teaching kids in a straightforward and playful way about a variety of topics related to LGBTQ pride. For the learn your LGBT’s series, the It Gets Better project has also created a discussion guide for parents to use with their children as they watch the videos.

Related Post: Talking about microaggressions with kids

Anti-bullying and LGBTQ youth suicide prevention resources

What should you say when a child says “that’s so gay?”  Includes a variety of responses adults can make to show children and youth it’s not okay to use the word gay as an insult.

Best practices for serving LGBTQ students. This guide from Teaching Tolerance covers many topics about how teachers and schools can create safer spaces for LGBTQ children and youth. Some of the guide is more applicable to middle and high school settings, but the tips on gender are helpful for teaching any age group.

Resources for preventing identity-based bullying. This is another helpful resource from Welcoming Schools. 

Grab four of my tried and true lesson plans that teach kids about justice through the arts, music, and dramatic play.

Free activity guide: use arts and drama to teach social justice

Grab the arts-themed lesson plans I used at a children’s Peace Camp to learn about gender stereotypes, the civil rights movement, and more. 

You’ll also get my kids and justice themed resources in your inbox each Tuesday. Don’t like it? No problem. You can unsubscribe in one click. 

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The Trevor Project Support Center. The Trevor Project is the leading organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. Their support center has a huge array of resources, including many for upper elementary age children, as well for their families.

Advice from LGBTQ youth about what adults can do to end bullying. More than 87% of LGBTQ youth report being bullied. In this resources,  young adults share their stories from their childhood and teenage years, and give advice for how adults can support kids like them.

Books for parents and teachers on LGBTQ issues

How can parents and educators show kids that it's ok to be exactly who you are? Click through for a mega list of LGBTQ resources for kids, parents, and teachers. From bullying prevention to children's books to how to answer awkward questions from kids, this list has it all! #pride #weneeddiversebooks

This is a book for parents of gay kids: A question and answer guide to everyday life

As you can probably tell from the practical title of this book, it’s intended to be a straightforward guide for parents whose children are gay. The Q&A format, combined with real life stories of kids, youth, and parents, make it very accessible.

How can parents and educators show kids that it's ok to be exactly who you are? Click through for a mega list of LGBTQ resources for kids, parents, and teachers. From bullying prevention to children's books to how to answer awkward questions from kids, this list has it all! #pride #weneeddiversebooks

Gay Parents/Straight Schools: Building Communication and Trust

This helpful guide for both educators and parents raises questions and gives guidance about how schools can fully welcome children who are part of LGBT-headed families.

How can parents and educators show kids that it's ok to be exactly who you are? Click through for a mega list of LGBTQ resources for kids, parents, and teachers. From bullying prevention to children's books to how to answer awkward questions from kids, this list has it all! #pride #weneeddiversebooks

A Queer History of the United States

This book goes beyond telling the stories of famous LGBTQ Americans, to ask questions that challenge our ideas about how we understand American history itself. It’s also available in a young people’s edition (recommended for middle school age kids and above.)

Grab four of my tried and true lesson plans that teach kids about justice through the arts, music, and dramatic play.

Free activity guide: use arts and drama to teach social justice

Grab the arts-themed lesson plans I used at a children’s Peace Camp to learn about gender stereotypes, the civil rights movement, and more. 

You’ll also get my kids and justice themed resources in your inbox each Tuesday. Don’t like it? No problem. You can unsubscribe in one click. 

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Resources that celebrate young LGBTQ activists

I regularly publish posts about kid and youth activists. You can find profiles of LGBTQ kids who are activists for inclusion and equality here and here.

Click on the image to take the free “what’s your social justice superpower?” quiz and discover your unique gifts for nurturing antiracist kids.

3 responses to “LGBTQ Affirming Resources for Parents and Teachers”

  1. Elena Avatar

    I love this, thank you! Any chance you have done this for teens in high school?

    1. Rebekah Gienapp Avatar

      I’m glad it’s helpful Elena! I haven’t yet created a resource list like that, but many of the sites I listed have resources for teens, especially Teaching Tolerance, GLSEN, and Welcoming Schools.

  2. Veronica Melton Avatar

    Greetings, I would like to know if you would be willing to discuss a possible collaboration with the Giovanni Melton Foundation and some of our Sponsors. You can read my story on my website about my son. We are in the beginning stages and we would love your expertise in educating White children about racism. We are in the plans of working with a Film Director and your vast knowledge would be invaluable. We are working at having the Director guide students in performing plays about anti-violence and bullying against people of color and LGBTQ people of color in the high school level. Please contact me. 702 666-7595.
    Thank You,
    Veronica Melton